Selected Poems by kiki nicole | kiki nicole

i start

with a whimper. Scream song I pretend

to forget. There is a thirst. Maybe I come from a mouth

I don’t belong to. Could be spit I sat

too long in, til I pruned. Muck bath I don’t want to know,

but drink of anyway.

My whole body : pelvis mouth,

I suck and rot

and keep.

where they do that at? who taught me

how to fester? bog

breath I don’t want to own.

who taught me how to hold?

Maybe I end

and that’s it.

vacuum I don’t want. pitfaced,

I clutch at drains,

looking for my own



Out of sea foam, they emerged

A coral reef of pronouns gasping

Their gut adorned

in precious shells, Honey

& turmeric dipped

Fingers, a fresh fade

Heart ricocheting

off a wine-stained mattress

Swear they be draped

in lustrous tapestry, auric,

Ruin Yourself weaved in

Bright kanekalon on the fleshy fabric,

Tarnished copper rings of snakes

& roses between gapped teeth,

Plum mouth Rising,

Nipples whetted on moonstone,

How charming it is to be a body,

Frail & frivolous in its frigid

A mooring riddled with gutter-rumble,

They out here in a thin skin,

Alive? a heavy mess,

Crown of acrylics,

Child of the Compost,

Them dragged down by constellations

The Huntress on their left ear,

Cassiopeia dangling on the right.

Dead hurts be heavy & they swollen

With a thousand million inhales.

Swear they emerged on all fours,

Back already aching,

Unbuttoned their tits & wounded the moon,

Got the whole ground shook.


take, for instance, this wide open

beast. wrap sheself in stale silk.

a laying on of skin & breath full

of ashes. take the moon & drag it

thru the biggest cavity you can

find; its craters drenched in her’m

moufmatter: honeyed

brandy, chasm

of loose baby teeth.

you can take the girl

out of the body but first,

you must take the body.


somewhere between an unbalanced pH level

& a constant curve

i bleach the crotch of my briefs & slither into

my winter-skin

sometimes i be talking to someone & then i just

stop but i still get the

vibrations coursing through i think i am the guy

TLC warned you about otherwise

known as a busta

or i don’t truly know what i am

just a long plump tongue of a body now

plaque pale i suppose no one sees me

anymore until it rains & then too much of

me i split into millions damp little

ghosts squeezing our breathing caskets long

& over one another’s sticky trails straining for

breath or whatever comes after being alone

i, Echo again, gnawing at

muggy walls for a voice other than my own

i taste the scent of Messy Bitch

through my skin muscles i am slick

with it…how fertile my ugly.


Some say That Bitch ascended, unguided, into a Nothinghood. Some say they unnamed their [redacted] until only a honey cavity remained. Some say they swam in the brown dark between memory & flesh. Some say they drowned & stayed a fertile war. Some say they emerged without warning, strutting stardust, drenched in rosewater. Some say to look at their face is to choke on your own spit: bitter afterbirth.


  1. “BIRTH OF VENUS AS A boi” first appeared in TWANG Anthology.

  2. “WORMTONGUE” first appeared in Peach Mag.

Women & Performance