Spic in Ecdysis | A series by Xandra Ibarra

"..being is an empty fiction."—Nietzsche

These photographic performance works embody the cockroach in its abjection, disgust, invisibility, hypervisibility, and infestation, along with its state of presumed metamorphosis. Even when a cockroach changes during adolescence through ecdysis, it removes its exterior casing to fashion a new self that only ends up resembling the old.

Aren’t Latinidad and spichood similarly fucked—the fuckedness of always already being the same or of resemblance in repetition?  Even when I attempt to reassemble new skin, sick of my spic casings, I remain destined to be crucified through them. I can only discard and abandon the carcass; I’m stuck.  My new being through ecdysis remains within “the order of the  same.”

Video of Cockroach in Ecdysis: http://newhive.com/lachicaboom/ecdysis